i gotta get a new job! working at london drugs is so soul crushing. i mean you gotta work in retail while you're still young and beautiful hahahaha i kid of course. i don't have a big head full of myself. but i do have aspirations of greater things then price checks and carry outs. i had a job interview at london drugs brentwood and that was kinda lame. to be honest i don't want to work at any london drugs none the less the one closer to my house. i only went out of obligation. anthony gave me a talkin to about how to get the job at mavi. and i do understand what i need to do. anyway, aside from that stuff tonight i went on a little ride with the burnabeast crew whut! and i put some stickers up in some clever locations . i find it quite fun to think of new and creative places and ways to put up stickers. expect great things from me.
hey eddie you got something on your face...

sorry cat this is just too funny

drive with caution booooooom up ahead

my personal favorite "dogs allowed"

by the way by showing these pictures it doesn't in anyway mean i put them there. i can just appreciate the skill and thought that has been put into their placement.
i really need to start sleeping earlier then 1 am
all of those are great.
but the lost cat one is pretty mean.
i agree, cat one's lame. don't think jeff would appreciate that
no apologies.
people put those things up and never take them down. as a self proclaimed cat hater i don't care. sure it's mean but it's pretty stupid to put signs up that you know will become litter
oh and i personally know jeff as a friend so i'll ask him myself thank you very much mr stalker.
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