i need a new adventure! like a new job or a trip or school or the army . anything! i just need adventure. life is so boring not taking any chances. like pastor darryl always used to say: if you're not living on the edge you're taking up to much space.
just to make this post even more confusing and multi themed heres the book i'm reading .

it's a good book. i like the whole "endless adventure" sorta feel. it's a bit like lord of the rings with the dwarfs and elves and mystical creatures with a bit of harry potter coming of age adventure thrown in.
the other day i bought the sequel "Eldest" the other day cause i'm almost done eragon. perfect timing cause when i finish eldest the third book is coming out on the 20th!! called brisingr. i feel a bit like a little goober for reading these but hey i've seen grown ups read harry potter! so stop judging me!
1 comment:
goober? nerd? loser?
naw i read the series and do i look like a nerd to you
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